WoSAS Pin: 3603

Site Name: St Columba's Cave, Ellary

Alternative Name(s): Loch Caolisport

Monument Type: Cave; Miscellaneous Finds

Council: Argyll and Bute

Parish: South Knapdale

Map Sheet: NR77NE

Grid Reference: 175125, 676797
178140, 677520 STONE BASIN

Canmore Number: 39012

Non-Statutory Register Code: R

Site Report


(NR 7512 7680) Cave (NAT)
OS 6" map, Argyllshire, 2nd ed., (1924)

St Columba's Cave: There is a strong local tradition that St Columba came here on his way to Dunadd and Iona. The main cave has a shelf on its E side on which is built a drystone altar, with above it on the rock a small cross with an expanded shaft, another to N marked by five pits in the rock, and still further N, a faint cross only visible in certain lights. Beam-holes in the W wall of the cave suggest a lean-to roof to protect the altar. An oval rock-basin is in the floor of the shelf near the altar. The cave was cleared up at the end of last century. Excavations are currently being carried out here.
Two shallow graves, containing extended inhumations, lying E-W, have been found at the foot of the bank outside the cave, and against the foundation of a boulder wall. A "stone coffin", containing an inhumation, is reported to have been found inside the main cave in the 19th century 'excavation', but no information is available as to size or depth in cave-deposit. Material of all periods from the Mesolithic has been found during the current excavations. Now at Kilberry, it is to be given to the NMAS at the end of the work. A stone basin, now the font at Achahoish parish church (NR 781 776) is said to have come from this cave.
A small cave to the W has entrance steps and bar-holes, indicating use as a dwelling. A quartz block at rear has been used as a polisher or strike-a-light.
The cave was excavated several years ago to the depth of 3 1/2' by the proprietor (Donaldson 1930).
M Campbell and M Sandeman 1964; M E M Donaldson 1930.

St Columba's Cave (information from name board) is generally as described. It measures 5.0m across and 18.0m deep. There are up to 11 beam holes in the W wall and 1 in the E. The small cave measures 4.0m across and is 13.0m deep.
Surveyed at 1:10,000.
Visited by OS (IA) 18 June 1973.

Excavations caried out since 1959 by the Mid-Argyll Arch Soc have discovered occupation levels to at least 3 1/2 feet below the remaining surface, ie a total depth of 8 feet; as well as recovering many unstratified small finds from the 19th century spoil-heap. These include a Viking-type, 8-9th century, bronze balance, and Samian ware; and a midden whose upper levels contained 12-14th century pottery. The material from the spoil-heap has now been returned to the cave bringing the floor up to its mid-19th century level - a process which has exposed at the mouth of the cave a cross-wall with entrance and doorstep. A thin surface of broken schist covers the areas above and below this wall, and may mark the base of the 19th century tip. Iron slag protruding through this surface suggests a post-medieval lay use of the site.
M Campbell 1959; 1962; 1973; 1975.

No change to the report of 18 June 1973.
Visited by OS (BS) 27 January 1977.

Two crosses are cut on the wall above a rubble-built altar in this cave, which has produced evidence of occupation over a long period. A 100mm equal-armed cross (1) is now represented only by its circular terminals. It is encroached on by the frame of a Latin cross in low relief (2), 0.17m by 0.14m. A series of pit-marks (3) one metre N of the altar may define a 100mm equal-armed cross with sinkings in the armpits.
I Fisher 2001.

Scheduled as 'St Columba's Cave, cave and chapel, Knapdale', 31/10/13
Entered WoSAS (MO'H) 08/11/2013

Further Reading and Sources

Campbell and Sandeman, M and M , 'Mid Argyll: an archaeological survey', PSAS, Vol 95, 1961-2, pp.1-125.(1964)

Webster and Cherry, L E and J , 'Medieval Britain in 1976', Medieval Archaeology, Vol 21, 1977, pp.204-62.(1977)

Donaldson, M E M , Further wanderings in Argyll.(1930)

Campbell, M , 'St Columba's Cave, Ellary', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 1962, pp.7.(1962)

Campbell, M , 'St Columba's Cave, Ellary', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 1976, pp.18.(1976)

Campbell, M , 'Ellary: St Columba's Cave', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 1973, pp.11.(1973)

Campbell, M , 'St Columba's Cave, Ellary', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 1959, pp.7.(1959)

Campbell, M , 'St Columba's Cave, Ellary', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 1975, pp.16.(1975)

Campbell and Young, M and C J , 'St Columba's Cave', The Kist, pp.3-12.(1973)

Fisher, I , Early Medieval sculpture in the West Highlands and Islands, Edinburgh(2001)