Learn more about the history of the West of Scotland Archaeology Service, and view details of the planning authorities that contribute to the Service


The West of Scotland Archaeology Service was established
in 1997 to maintain and update the Historic Environment Record (HER) -
the complete record of all known archaeological sites, finds, fieldwork
and research for the area covered by the service. This database is used
primarily to provide information and advice to the Planning Departments
of our member authorities on potential archaeological issues raised by
development proposals. Staff from the Service also provide professional
advice to landowners, public utilities, private developers, farmers and
other land managers to promote the implementation of national and
international policies for the preservation of archaeological remains.
In addition, we provide free information and advice to researchers,
local societies and members of the public. For more details, see our
access to information and charging policy and our formal remit.


The local authorities below are current members of the West of Scotland Archaeology Service

Remit of the West of Scotland Archaeology Service

The provision and maintenance, as directed by the Steering Group, of a Planning-related archaeology service (including Industrial Archaeology) to inter alios the Member Councils including:

  1. The maintenance and enhancement of a Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) in respect of the areas of the Member Councils and the provision to the Member Councils of information contained therein and advice thereon.
  2. The provision to the Member Councils of advice, recommendations and, on the instructions of the relevant Member Councils, assistance:
    1. in connection with structure and local plan policies covering archaeological matters;
    2. in respect of environmental, tourism and other implementation projects as appropriate;
    3. on development control matters and, in particular, on:
      1. the interpretation of the provisions of inter alia National Planning Policy Guideline 5 (NPPG5) and Planning Advice Note 42 (PAN12) and other Central Government guidance;
      2. the drafting of suitable archaeological conditions;
      3. the preparation of briefs for archaeological work, as required, either for archaeological evaluation in advance of the determination of planning applications or for the implementation of archaeological conditions.
  3. The undertaking of:
    1. the monitoring of planning applications for archaeological issues;
    2. the monitoring of private archaeological contractors, as required, on behalf of and subject to the instructions of the relative Member Councils, in connection with the fulfillment of planning requirements.
  4. The undertaking, together with and subject to the instructions of the relative Member Councils, of negotiations with developers in respect of archaeological matters.
  5. Appearance as required on behalf of and subject to the instructions of the relative Member Councils at Public Local Inquiries in respect of archaeological issues.
  6. The provision subject to the instructions of the relative Member Council of archaeological advice recommendations and assistance to various Departments of the Member Councils in respect of development matters and in respect of the preparation of briefs; and, also subject to such instructions, the monitoring of archaeological work by private archaeological contractors.
  7. The provision of archaeological advice, recommendations and assistance to the West of Scotland Water Authority(1) in respect of, and subject to the instructions of that Authority, the preparation of briefs and(2) in respect of, and subject to such instructions, the monitoring of archaeological work by private archaeological contractors.
  8. The provision of advice, recommendations and assistance to the Forestry Authority in connection with the archaeological implications of Woodland Grant Scheme Applications and to Forest Enterprise on request.
  9. The provision of advice, recommendations and assistance in general on unscheduled archaeological resources to Organisations and individuals and the fostering of public awareness of archaeological interests.
  10. Liaison at national level with Historic Scotland and local authority archaeological services with regard to archaeological policy matters.
  11. Any other liaison and the provision of any other archaeological advice, recommendations and assistance as may be required from time to time.
  12. The preparation of annual reports.